421 - 430 of 1441 Results
  1. BOCC Budget and Public Policy Meeting Nov. 9


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners  (BOCC) will hold a Budget and Public Policy Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m.  

  2. County Commissioners to Hold Public Hearing on Use of National Opioid Settlement Funds


    The Board of Commissioners for Mecklenburg County will hold a public hearing at its regular meeting on Nov. 15 to hear from residents on how to spend opioid settlement funds. 

  3. County Announces Veterans Day Closings


    Mecklenburg County offices and services will be closed on Friday, Nov. 11, 2022, for the Veterans Day holiday.

  4. ​Operation Green Light: Shine a Light in Support of Veterans on Nov. 11


    Friday, Nov. 11 is a day to honor veterans who have served and their families.

  5. Crisis Intervention Team Honors Exceptional Service and Announces Annual Award Winners


    Each year, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) recognizes outstanding work by frontline responders with persons in crisis with a serious mental illness.

  6. Assessor to Provide Public Revaluation Update to City and Town Leaders


    Through November and December, the public will have an opportunity to learn more about Mecklenburg County's 2023 property revaluation. 

  7. BOCC Regular Meeting Nov. 1


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022, at 6 p.m.

  8. Opioid Settlement Community Meeting Begins a New Era of Hope


     On Thursday, Oct. 27, Mecklenburg County will hold its first Opioid Settlement Community Meeting.

  9. BOCC Budget and Public Policy Meeting Oct. 25


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners  (BOCC) will hold a Budget and Public Policy Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 2:30 p.m.  

  10. ​Oct. 24 Proclaimed ‘Michael Marsicano Day’ to Honor Decades of Service


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners proclaimed Monday, Oct. 24, 2022, to be “Michael Marsicano Day” in Mecklenburg County.