Save the Scraps: Solid Waste Now Accepting Food
Mecklenburg County Solid Waste is now accepting residential food waste scraps for composting at two full-service recycling centers.
County Names New Directors of Human Resources, Park and Recreation
County Manager Dena R. Diorio has announced the promotion of Joanette Freeman to the position of director of Human Resources, effective Jan. 22, and the hiring of Nick Walker to the position of director of Park and Recreation, effective Feb. 3.
Public Input Wanted: Share Feedback On Community Hazards
Mecklenburg County is looking for your input on how natural hazards including flooding, hurricanes, and severe weather impact you and your neighbors. Mecklenburg County and incorporated communities are seeking public input as they update the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Application Period Now Open for FY2025-2026 Community Development Block Grant Funds
Mecklenburg County is preparing for its FY 2025-2026 Community Development Block Grant Program Annual Action Plan and funding allocation.
Pipe Protection: Keep Fire Sprinklers Safe in Cold Weather
As freezing temperatures approach, take precautions to protect your water-based fire protection systems (fire sprinkler systems).
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds Available for Homes Damaged by Hurricane Helene Flooding
Mecklenburg County was included in the Federal declared disaster for Hurricane Helene. As part of this declaration, voluntary Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding has been made available through FEMA and the State of North Carolina for both buy-outs and elevation projects.
Bringing the Heat: Energy Assistance Applications Open for All Households Jan. 1
LIEAP is one of several Mecklenburg County programs that help low-income households with their immediate energy needs so they do not need to choose between heating their homes and other basic needs.
January Is Time to List Individual and Business Personal Property
Any person or business that owns property such as boats, aircraft or mobile homes, or income-producing property such as equipment, machinery or furniture associated with a business must list the property for tax purposes with the Mecklenburg County Assessor’s Office between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2025.
Jury Scam Alert: Be Aware of Sophisticated Tactics
Residents are being targeted by jury scammers who are using increasingly sophisticated tactics to lure victims into paying large sums of money. While such scams seem cyclical, County leaders want to caution residents to the latest methods.
Holiday Haul: Recycling Centers Accepting Trees and Seasonal Items
Once gifts have been exchanged and presents have been opened, it’s time to take part in another time-honored holiday tradition: getting rid of all the packaging and waste. Mecklenburg County Solid Waste and Recycling Services invites residents to drop recyclables and waste items off at Full-Service Recycling Centers.
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