371 - 380 of 1441 Results
  1. Mecklenburg Minute: Board of County Commissioners' Retreat 2023


    Get a recap of the Board of County Commissioners' 2023 retreat.

  2. Mecklenburg Budget: ​Workshops Allow Public to Voice Priorities


    A series of workshops will give members of the public the opportunity to voice their priorities and concerns as they relate to services funded by Mecklenburg County.

  3. Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development Announces Elnik Systems Move to New Pineville Facility


    The Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development has partnered with Elnik Systems, the only furnace supplier that is focused on the debind/sinter technology for Metal Injection Molding (MIM), to announce the company's plan to build a new, state of the art industrial facility in Pineville.

  4. County to Host Community Listening Sessions to Reimagine Latta Place


    ​Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation (MCPR) is hosting three listening sessions to hear your feedback on the initial master planning recommendations for Latta Place.    

  5. Funding Opportunity for Organizations that Help At-Risk and Delinquent Youth


    The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) is now accepting applications for funding of programs that serve at-risk and delinquent youth, or otherwise under the supervision of juvenile court.

  6. ​Setting Budget Priorities: Commissioners Meet for Annual Retreat


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners will meet for its annual budget retreat Jan. 25-27 to address fiscal policies and set its priorities.

  7. County's COVID-19 Community Level Now is Low


    After several weeks of the COVID-19 Community Level at Medium and High, the County’s level is now at Low.

  8. Commissioners Approve $99 Million in ARPA Funds for Local Projects


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners has approved funding for 75 local projects with money allocated from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

  9. BOCC Regular Meeting Jan. 18


    The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, at 6 p.m.

  10. In Honor of MLK Day: Acts of Service Really Add Up


    Volunteering your time and talent on MLK Day and throughout the year helps make Dr. King's vision of a beloved community a reality.