Property Tax Relief: Apply Now for a Break on Your Bill
Mecklenburg County citizens who think they might qualify for a break on their property taxes should apply now.
Celebrate Black History Month 2025 with Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is celebrating Black History Month in February with several events that honor the legacy of Black Americans in Mecklenburg County and beyond.
Update on Federal Funding
Mecklenburg County continues to monitor events as they evolve after the White House on Jan. 29 rescinded a directive to pause federal grants and loans.
Share Your View. Shape Our Future. Survey Open for Residents to Indicate Mecklenburg County Priorities
Mecklenburg County leaders want to hear what residents think. Mecklenburg County’s resident survey for the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 budget is now open at Budget.MeckNC.gov.
‘Give Kids a Smile’: Mecklenburg County to Serve Uninsured Children
Mecklenburg County Public Health will participate in National Give Kids A Smile Day offering free oral health services to uninsured Mecklenburg County children with a particular focus on ages 11 and under.
Park Explorer App Makes Local Adventures Easy
Ever wondered where’s the nearest batting cage, greenway or dog park? Thanks to a redesigned app, finding your favorite Mecklenburg County amenities takes just a few clicks.
Changes to North Meck Recycling Saturday Drop Off
Starting Feb. 1, North Meck Recycling and Disposal Facility will no longer accept business/non-residential loads and dump trailers on Saturdays.
Provide Your Feedback on the Future of the Community Development Block Grant Program
Mecklenburg County residents are invited to participate in a public hearing to help shape the Community Development Block Grant Program’s (CDBG) 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan.
County’s Pilot Program Has Transformational Impact for Reentry Participants
\Mecklenburg County Criminal Justice Services (CJS) launched a unique initiative known as RAMP Up (Reentry Assistance Mobility Program) last July for residents who have served time in prison and are returning home.
Gear Up: Supplemental Income Pilot Program for Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care
Mecklenburg County’s Youth and Family Services division has launched an innovative pilot program to support young adults aged 18 to 21 who have aged out of the foster care program and will now transition to self-sufficiency.
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