141 - 150 of 1454 Results
  1. Mecklenburg County’s Free Sundown Sounds Concert Series Returns This Summer


    Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation’s free summer concert series, Sundown Sounds, will return to stages this summer. With a range of genres, from R&B to classic rock, beach music, funk and more, the concert series offers sounds everyone can enjoy.

  2. County Announces Memorial Day Closings


    Mecklenburg County offices and services will be closed on Friday, March 29, 2024, for the Good Friday holiday.

  3. Mecklenburg Shapes Leaders: CSS Director Graduates from ‘Leadership North Carolina’


    Stacy Lowry, director of Community Support Services, is one of 56 civic and community leaders from around North Carolina to graduate from Leadership North Carolina. The class comprised leaders from across the state and across sectors—government, business, nonprofit, education, etc. A graduation ceremony was held May 8 at the Charlotte Museum of History.

  4. Updating MTS Rides: Mecklenburg Transportation System to Modify Trips for Post-Pandemic Era


    Beginning July 1, 2024, the Mecklenburg Transportation System will update the types of trips offered for senior citizens and disabled residents.

  5. Residential Pools for Short Term Rentals Forbidden in Mecklenburg County


    Public Health leaders are warning the community that short-term rentals of residential swimming pools are not allowed in Mecklenburg County. 

  6. Second Chances and New Directions: Rise 2 Work Offers Opportunities for SNAP Clients


    Mecklenburg County’s Rise 2 Work program offers job training that leads to meaningful employment for SNAP recipients. Rise 2 Work is part of the voluntary N.C. Food & Nutrition Services Employment and Training program, which is intended to increase clients’ skills, careers, and ultimately their families' financial well-being. 

  7. County Manager Recommends $2.5 Billion Operating Budget for FY2025


    Mecklenburg County Manager Dena R. Diorio today presented her recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2025 to the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners.

  8. Don’t Miss the Four Wards of Charlotte Bike Tour


    It’s time to grab your bicycles (and helmets!) and join us for a tour of the historic four wards of Uptown Charlotte. What better way to welcome spring than a little exercise and education?

  9. Whooping Cough Warning in Mecklenburg County


    Public Health leaders are seeing a worrisome trend, an increase in pertussis or whooping cough cases in Mecklenburg County. Some counties in the western part of North Carolina are seeing outbreaks of pertussis.

  10. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Honors Six Local Businesses as 2024 Crowns of Enterprise Winners


    On May 9, Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte named six local businesses as winners of the 2024 Crowns of Enterprise Awards. The awards honor small businesses that demonstrate leadership, practice sound business strategies, strengthen the local economy and support diversity and inclusion.